Unforgettable vacation in Tunisia
Unforgettable vacation in Tunisia Changes in the life of a country or on the world stage always raise some concerns and invariably entail something new. So, at the end of…

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Family holidays in Vityazevo
If you want to spend your vacation at sea with children, then there is no better place than Vityazevo! The beach strip is up to 200 meters wide with golden…

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UAE - a place for a relaxing holiday
The United Arab Emirates (hereinafter referred to as the United Arab Emirates) are located in Western Asia on the Arabian Peninsula. This state consists of seven small principalities: Abu-Dhabi, Dubai,…


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Journey to Suzdal
Not far from Vladimir is the ancient town of Suzdal, famous for its historical sights. The city was formed in the middle of the eleventh century during the time of…

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Holidays in Vietnam
Holidays in Vietnam Vietnam is a very diverse country with a developing economy, which it will be interesting to visit both investors and the ordinary tourist, whom Vietnam will amaze…
