Journey to Suzdal
Not far from Vladimir is the ancient town of Suzdal, famous for its historical sights. The city was formed in the middle of the eleventh century during the time of…

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The most terrible places in the world
There are many mystical places on earth that cause fear and horror in people. They are filmed on photos and videos, legends tell about them, they are the ratings of…

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Cyprus. Tourism is a delicate matter
Tourism is a delicate matter. And therefore, if you are traveling not along an already well-known route, but into a completely new place, it is worth planning everything out. Especially…


hang themselves

Journey to Suzdal
Not far from Vladimir is the ancient town of Suzdal, famous for its historical sights. The city was formed in the middle of the eleventh century during the time of…

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Where to go or go when visiting St. Petersburg - holy places
If you are planning to go to Petersburg and reflect on places that can be visited, then I suggest you familiarize yourself with the historical places of Orthodoxy at a…
