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Malta: recreation and attractions

Do you want a good and interesting holiday on the Mediterranean Sea?
Go to Malta – a beautiful blooming island, where you are always waiting for wonderful weather, beautiful sea, amazing in its beauty nature and many interesting sights.
A nice bonus is also an excellent diving – in the summer the average temperature of the sea in Malta is around +23 ° C, and in winter it never drops below +14 ° C.
Especially for those travelers who beckon mysterious Maltese beaches and sunny Mediterranean beaches, we have prepared a small guide to Malta – the most interesting sights and places that are definitely worth a visit.
What to see in Malta? sights
Malta is a small country, so for a week of rest you can see if not all, then very much, therefore not only weekly tours are very popular among travelers, but also rest in the format of a “weekend tour”.
Even in a few days of travel you will have time to get acquainted with this amazing country and get a lot of pleasant experiences!
1. Palace of Grandmasters of the Order of Malta, La Valletta
The Palace of the Grand Master of Malta, which today houses the official residence of the President and the Parliament of the Republic, is considered the largest secular building in the country. Only part of the palace’s premises are open for tourists, including the armory, the Grand Council Hall and the ambassador’s room. The Museum of Arms is also open here, with more than 6,000 exhibits from all over the world.
Baroque style, luxurious interior decoration, immaculately preserved interiors, intricate murals, stucco works, mosaics and bas-reliefs are astounding and look just as majestic and spectacular as they were several centuries ago.
2. Cathedral of St. Paul, Mdina
The Catholic Cathedral of St. Paul is a real architectural gem of Malta. The majestic architectural complex, built at the end of the 17th century, is today one of the most popular and prestigious wedding venues, therefore wedding ceremonies are often held here. Many legends and interesting events are associated with the cathedral, for example, the story of the treasure found in the foundation of the building during the dismantling of the old foundation. The temple was badly damaged during the earthquake of 1693, and when, during repair work on the debris, a caches of gold coins were found, it was decided to spend the found gold to restore the cathedral. Because of this treasure, between the Grand Master, whose coat of arms was struck on the found coins, a dispute arose with the bishop, and as a result, the cathedral was only illuminated in 1702.
Behind the cathedral is the street of St. Paul, which is also called the quarter of “absolute silence” – this is where the active Benedictine monastery is located, the nuns of which keep the vow of complete silence.
3. The Sanctuary of Hal Safeni, Paola
The Khal-Safleni Shrine is a hypogeum, which is the only megalithic underground shrine that is almost completely preserved. Its age is about 4 – 5 thousand years. The total area of ​​the underground complex of Sahfeneni is about 480 square meters, and the number of graves in the hypogeum is estimated by archeologists to be around 6-7 thousand.
Corridors, cameras, narrow passages, carved into the rock, make up a mysterious underground labyrinth, which, by the way, can only be reached by appointment – no more than 80 people are allowed here per day. One of the most interesting sights of Hal Safeni is the Oracle Room, the acoustics in which carries every word pronounced in a low male voice throughout the hypogeum, while any other sounds are unheard outside the room.
4. Mdina
The ancient city of Mdina has about 4000 years of history, and for many centuries it had a special status and privileges, which left its imprint on the image of the city in which the most notable and influential families lived. Citta Notabile (City-Aristocrat) is still striking in its grandeur, the ancient architectural ensembles of palaces, churches and cathedrals are perfectly preserved, and the quiet, cozy streets are always calm and serene. In Mdina, which is also called the “city of silence”, the number of cars entering is limited, which allows you to save the amazing atmosphere, beauty and majesty of the ancient city.
Among the sights of Mdina, you should pay attention to the famous Main Gate of Mdina, the Palace of Saint Sophia, the Palace of Vilen, the Cathedral of St. Paul, the Norman House, the dungeon and the Palace of the Archbishop. By the way, in Mdina many scenes of the popular series “Game of Thrones” were filmed.
5. Tarsien
Another megalithic temple complex of Malta, which dates from around 2800 BC. e, located in the small Maltese town of Tarshin – Tarxien temples. The Tarshien complex consists of six unique stone temples, which in ancient times were used for various rituals, sacrifices and burials. Very interesting stone bas-reliefs depicting animals, screens and altars.

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