Holiday in Thailand
After a long work requires rest. It is best to hold it not only interesting, but also for the benefit of your health, so that bright memories remain and strength…

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Tours in Spain - Valencia
One of the largest cities in Spain - Valencia, located on the Mediterranean coast in the south-eastern part of Spain. City with a mild climate, here the air temperature ranges…

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Vladimir attracts tourists - lovers of antiquity
Traveling around the Golden Ring, be sure to visit Vladimir - the city of ancient Russian architecture. For the convenience of tourists - comfortable and modern hotels of Vladimir. They…


tourist area

The most interesting and unusual hotels in the world
It seems that in our time it is very difficult to lure a tourist to any country, a modern person will not be surprised at anything. In fact, it is…

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China: Amazing Hong Kong
Former British Crown subject Hong Kong became the original Manhattan of Asia. Hong Kong is an amazing city, and although in 1997 the reassignment of China became history, people still…
