Welcome to Cyprus!
The island of Cyprus is a hospitable and safe country, captivating with its picturesque nature, clean beaches and magnificent monuments of architecture. If you bought a tour to Cyprus to…

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Exotic Dominicana
Travel companies today delight their customers with a variety of tours around the world. And one of the most popular destinations today is solar Dominican Republic. JUAN-DOLIO Lovers of thrills,…

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Journey to Suzdal
Not far from Vladimir is the ancient town of Suzdal, famous for its historical sights. The city was formed in the middle of the eleventh century during the time of…


Travel Ideas

Do you want to give yourself an unforgettable holiday in some distant, but delightfully beautiful country, to get acquainted with the culture, traditions and customs of other nations?
There are many states in the world, which are full of sights – both natural and man-made, there are amazingly beautiful beaches, majestic mountains and endless valleys. Ancient cities, dating back thousands of years of history, coexist with modern megacities erected over several decades, and original culture exists side by side with quite advanced technologies and scientific achievements.
We have prepared a list of ideas for travel that will help determine the choice of those tourists who are already bored with the sunny beaches of Turkey and Egypt, and the soul asks for new impressions and bright discoveries. Our today’s guide for the traveler will tell you about the exotic, the tropics, incendiary dances, serenely beautiful lands, mysterious legends and legends. To choose really there is something even for the most experienced traveler!
Bosnia and Herzegovina
One of the most beautiful countries in the world, Bosnia and Herzegovina, is not as well known as its neighbors Croatia and Montenegro. Thanks to this, here you will not encounter endless crowds of tourists – BiH is not spoiled by tourism, as they like to talk about many popular tourist destinations. An amazing country with a rich history, incredibly picturesque nature, majestic castles and fortresses.
In Bosnia and Herzegovina there are excellent ski resorts, clean beaches, mountain climatic resorts – you can definitely choose a leisure option to your taste. For a long time, the state was dominated by the Ottoman Empire, which left a tangible imprint on everything – from culture to architecture. Visit the traditional oriental bazaars, visit ancient Turkish fortresses and unique museums and be sure to try the local cuisine, which is a fancy mixture of Turkish, Arab and Mediterranean, German and South Slavic culinary traditions.
Ireland is a picturesque land of green pastures, harsh sea, endless torrential rains and equally infinitely welcoming people.
The Irish feel comfortable only if everyone is happy. Yes all. Everything. And there can be no exceptions, so your happiness will be taken care of without fail. Recipes for happiness in Ireland can be different, but almost always they include whiskey, beer and great juicy meat in large quantities – without this there is no way.
And in Ireland is full of legends – magical, beautiful, incredible, gloomy and even terrible. But what can you do – this is a country with a gloomy, but incredibly interesting Celtic heritage.
Patagonia, Chile
If you want to visit the very famous “World’s End” – feel free to buy a ticket to Patagonia. Amazing in its outlandish diversity, the land is located in the very south of South America – indeed, on the edge of the earth. The nature of Patagonia is as diverse as it can be imagined – mountains and rivers, lakes and fjords, glaciers and endless steppe plains (the same famous pampas that the geogil from the Golden Calf wanted to go to).
Here you will be greeted by a humid cool climate, strong winds and a multitude of birds – from penguins to flamingos. And in Patagonia you can see sea lions – they often rest on the coasts. What can I say – nature in all its pristine beauty, which will help to forget that in the world there are offices and megacities with skyscrapers.
By the way, if you still decide to try yourself as a fearless traveler who has gone to meet harsh wildlife, be sure to visit the Torres del Paine nature reserve, where you will find an abundance of local flora and fauna, picturesque landscapes and many amazing plants – from cypresses and beeches to unique orchids.
The Kingdom of Morocco is a fantastic country, in which ancient Arab traditions and culture are perfectly preserved to this day, with which foreign guests can get to know slowly, thoughtfully and with taste, without indulging in the usual comfort. Yes, of course, there are certain rules that must be observed, for example, not to show unnecessary emotions in people and not to wear too open or provocative clothes – Morocco is still an Islamic country. In addition, if you do not want to offend anyone, be sure to get acquainted with the traditions and rules of behavior in the kingdom – there are many features.
It may be interesting: rest in Morocco in winter
In general, Morocco is waiting for you a lot of vivid impressions, amazing sights.

Welcome to Cyprus!
The island of Cyprus is a hospitable and safe country, captivating with its picturesque nature, clean beaches and magnificent monuments of architecture. If you bought a tour to Cyprus to…

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Traveling comfortably - 11 useful tips for air travelers
The airport is a pleasant vanity and anticipation of something new, this sweet expectation of the beginning of the journey and the joy of meeting, this is where the road…
