Exotic Dominicana
Travel companies today delight their customers with a variety of tours around the world. And one of the most popular destinations today is solar Dominican Republic. JUAN-DOLIO Lovers of thrills,…

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Where to go or go when visiting St. Petersburg - holy places
If you are planning to go to Petersburg and reflect on places that can be visited, then I suggest you familiarize yourself with the historical places of Orthodoxy at a…

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Travel Ideas
Do you want to give yourself an unforgettable holiday in some distant, but delightfully beautiful country, to get acquainted with the culture, traditions and customs of other nations? There are…


princely wives

Where to go or go when visiting St. Petersburg – holy places

If you are planning to go to Petersburg and reflect on places that can be visited, then I suggest you familiarize yourself with the historical places of Orthodoxy at a distance of one day of travel.
As you know, Petersburg appeared on the banks of the Neva River only in 1703, and before that there were forests and marshes here and these lands were under the jurisdiction of the city of Veliky Novgorod. Continue reading

Game of Thrones - the best hotels for fans
The acclaimed film Game of Thrones, the film adaptation of George Martin's Song of Ice and Flame, was filmed in many countries — Ireland, Italy, Spain, Croatia, and other states…

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Vladimir attracts tourists - lovers of antiquity
Traveling around the Golden Ring, be sure to visit Vladimir - the city of ancient Russian architecture. For the convenience of tourists - comfortable and modern hotels of Vladimir. They…
