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Tours in Spain – Valencia

One of the largest cities in Spain – Valencia, located on the Mediterranean coast in the south-eastern part of Spain. City with a mild climate, here the air temperature ranges from 17 to 20 degrees Celsius. The summer in the city is very warm, the winter is mild.
Valencia is a favorite tourist destination, especially in the summer. A variety of leisure activities, where you can do sports, taste the beauty of the cultural and nightlife of the city, attracts people of different age categories.In winter, a holiday in Valencia will give new strength, and the Mediterranean sun will energize.
Tours to Spain in the winter year after year more and more attract tourists. Norwegians, Germans and Englishmen traditionally have a rest in Valencia for a reason, because in the Middle Ages the territory of the present province existed as the Kingdom of Valencia, where the Valencia language has been preserved to this day – Catalan dialect. In addition, the locals are very friendly and not so principled and “hot” as their compatriots.
Tourism in this province of Spain began to develop about 60 years ago, the province previously lived at the expense of agriculture, and on the coasts of Valencia were engaged in fishing. It makes sense to visit Valencia with the whole family. There will be no problems in finding hotels, holiday cottages for rent and apartments, you can choose them yourself, or use the services of tour operators.
Holidays for the whole family – the opportunity to engage in your favorite sports, from tennis to football. You can go on a trip on a yacht and explore the Mediterranean coast. Pleasure and deliver a walk through the city, the streets of which lead to the port, which is the second largest in Spain. The beaches of Valencia are perfectly equipped, their territory is constantly cleaned, there are shower cabins and other amenities. The meeting of the new year in Valencia will be remembered for a long time and will become a habit, because tickets for sightseeing tours to Spain can be ordered with discounts.
The Mediterranean coast of the Valencian province stretches for 500 kilometers, where about 450 hotels are located, there are water parks, a casino, bars, clubs, restaurants, so there are many options for spending time on holiday in this wonderful city. The city hosts various excursions from exploring the bed of the dry Turia River, the Royal Bridge and the Templars, to excursions to the coastal artillery battery.
Tourists will be interested in local sights which Valencia abounds in. The premises of the provincial Museum of Fine Arts collected more than 2000 exhibits and works, including paintings by famous artists of Spain – Bosch, Velasquez, Murillo, Van Dyck, as well as other masters of Europe. It is also admired by the Cathedral, a symbol of Valencia, built in the XIII-XIV centuries in the Gothic style, which is one of the earliest in Spain. In the Cathedral you can admire the works of artists Ribera, Goya, Nicola Florentino.
Tourists who have been to Valencia, choose tours to Barcelona in September, when the Mediterranean Sea is especially warm, in addition it is a good opportunity to continue exploring Spain and the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea.
It’s almost impossible to describe Valencia in words and convey all its beauty: time stops on the white sands of the beaches of Valencia, you can walk the streets of the city for hours, forgetting about time, enjoying the beautiful landscape and works of architecture, and of course, like any beautiful place, you always want to return.

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