Unforgettable vacation in Tunisia
Unforgettable vacation in Tunisia Changes in the life of a country or on the world stage always raise some concerns and invariably entail something new. So, at the end of…

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Madrid for 48 hours - what to see?
We continue a series of articles about interesting tourist attractions in different countries and cities with a story about Madrid. What to see in the Spanish capital, if you only…

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Exotic Dominicana
Travel companies today delight their customers with a variety of tours around the world. And one of the most popular destinations today is solar Dominican Republic. JUAN-DOLIO Lovers of thrills,…


seafood with

A walk through Vietnam

For modern tourists, the countries of the East and Asia are very attractive, since they are hardly known. Interesting buildings make fantasy run wild. Vietnam is a vivid example, there is a tremendous number of attractions, there are more than thirty of them in Ho Chi Minh City. For example: Vietnamese Notre Dame, Cu Chi tunnels, a museum of military operations, Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, Ho Chi Minh Botanical Garden, Mekong Canals. You can enumerate almost indefinitely – wherever you look, sights everywhere.
In a word, you cannot describe Vietnam – each city is different from each other. Continue reading

The most terrible places in the world
There are many mystical places on earth that cause fear and horror in people. They are filmed on photos and videos, legends tell about them, they are the ratings of…

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Unforgettable vacation in Tunisia
Unforgettable vacation in Tunisia Changes in the life of a country or on the world stage always raise some concerns and invariably entail something new. So, at the end of…
