Traveling comfortably - 11 useful tips for air travelers
The airport is a pleasant vanity and anticipation of something new, this sweet expectation of the beginning of the journey and the joy of meeting, this is where the road…

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Holidays in Spain - interesting facts
Holidays in Spain - interesting facts Spain Spain Who among us would not like to spend holidays in Spain? After all, this sunny country is famous for its pleasant climate,…

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What to see in Dubai?
Dubai is truly a fantastic city. Created almost in the desert on the site of a small settlement in just a few decades, today it is the most luxurious, modern…


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Family holidays in Vityazevo

If you want to spend your vacation at sea with children, then there is no better place than Vityazevo! The beach strip is up to 200 meters wide with golden sand, it is well landscaped.
On the beaches there are water rides, slides that will bring a lot of pleasure to you and your children. At your service riding on a catamaran, jet ski. Continue reading

Where to go or go when visiting St. Petersburg - holy places
If you are planning to go to Petersburg and reflect on places that can be visited, then I suggest you familiarize yourself with the historical places of Orthodoxy at a…

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UAE - a place for a relaxing holiday
The United Arab Emirates (hereinafter referred to as the United Arab Emirates) are located in Western Asia on the Arabian Peninsula. This state consists of seven small principalities: Abu-Dhabi, Dubai,…
