Ancient Tallinn
Tallinn is one of the oldest cities in Northern Europe. It is quite miniaturized, but unusually rich in its architectural, historical monuments, parks, squares, original traditions, giving it a unique…

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10 things to do in Cuba
Holidays in Cuba are like traveling by a time machine - most of the country seems to exist in some kind of parallel reality that has remained in the past…

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China: Amazing Hong Kong
Former British Crown subject Hong Kong became the original Manhattan of Asia. Hong Kong is an amazing city, and although in 1997 the reassignment of China became history, people still…


main attractions

Tourist Egypt. El gouna
Rest in Egypt is no longer a luxury. Many Russians love this country, its traditions and customs, hospitable resorts, including the resort town of El Gouna - still young, but…

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Unforgettable vacation in Tunisia
Unforgettable vacation in Tunisia Changes in the life of a country or on the world stage always raise some concerns and invariably entail something new. So, at the end of…
