Rest More - Live Longer
In society, you can often meet people for whom work is most important. For them, scientists from America introduced a special term - “absence of leave syndrome”. This is not…

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Vladimir attracts tourists - lovers of antiquity
Traveling around the Golden Ring, be sure to visit Vladimir - the city of ancient Russian architecture. For the convenience of tourists - comfortable and modern hotels of Vladimir. They…

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Cheat sheet for tourists: the beaches of Israel
The resorts of Israel are very loved by tourists - they conquer travelers with their diversity and opportunities for recreation and for recreation. Do you want to go diving and…



10 reasons to go to Israel
When the long-awaited vacation comes up, during one short trip to the resort I want to cover everything. If you buy a tour to Israel, the rest will be the…

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Amazing Vietnam: Immerse yourself in a fairy tale
Coming to Vietnam, looking at the faces of the locals, is very interested in the question - is it true that they are all children of a beautiful fairy and…
