What to see in Dubai?
Dubai is truly a fantastic city. Created almost in the desert on the site of a small settlement in just a few decades, today it is the most luxurious, modern…

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The most terrible places in the world
There are many mystical places on earth that cause fear and horror in people. They are filmed on photos and videos, legends tell about them, they are the ratings of…

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Top 10 most beautiful temples in the world
ST. BASIL'S CATHEDRAL It is a religious building of the XVI century and the most recognizable temple in the world. The acknowledged fact was that Italian architects were invited to…


beautiful residence

International tourism in Russia: problems and prospects

Modern international tourism is one of the most developing sectors of the world economy. This is the industry that occupies one of the leading positions in international foreign economic relations, after the oil-producing and engineering industries. He is exit and entry. Outbound tourism is the travel of persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation to another country. Continue reading

Holiday in Thailand
After a long work requires rest. It is best to hold it not only interesting, but also for the benefit of your health, so that bright memories remain and strength…

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Journey to Suzdal
Not far from Vladimir is the ancient town of Suzdal, famous for its historical sights. The city was formed in the middle of the eleventh century during the time of…
