Tourist Egypt. El gouna
Rest in Egypt is no longer a luxury. Many Russians love this country, its traditions and customs, hospitable resorts, including the resort town of El Gouna - still young, but…

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Holidays in Spain - interesting facts
Holidays in Spain - interesting facts Spain Spain Who among us would not like to spend holidays in Spain? After all, this sunny country is famous for its pleasant climate,…

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Cheat sheet for tourists: the beaches of Israel
The resorts of Israel are very loved by tourists - they conquer travelers with their diversity and opportunities for recreation and for recreation. Do you want to go diving and…



Tours in Spain – Valencia

One of the largest cities in Spain – Valencia, located on the Mediterranean coast in the south-eastern part of Spain. City with a mild climate, here the air temperature ranges from 17 to 20 degrees Celsius. The summer in the city is very warm, the winter is mild.
Valencia is a favorite tourist destination, especially in the summer. A variety of leisure activities, where you can do sports, taste the beauty of the cultural and nightlife of the city, attracts people of different age categories. Continue reading

What to do in Bangkok

nyone who decides to visit Bangkok during his stay in Thailand can be sure that he will not be disappointed. The first thing that catches the eye, or rather, annoying smell receptors is the riot of odors. All sorts of flavors accompany everywhere, chasing literally on the heels, and after only a couple of hours a bouquet of fragrances from fried fish, nuts and dried squid does not seem so shocking. Continue reading

How to travel by plane comfortable
Traveling is fun. New discoveries, impressions and acquaintances, good rest and a lot of pleasant little things - all this makes the holiday bright and rich. The smoother and more…

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Traveling comfortably - 11 useful tips for air travelers
The airport is a pleasant vanity and anticipation of something new, this sweet expectation of the beginning of the journey and the joy of meeting, this is where the road…
