The most terrible places in the world
There are many mystical places on earth that cause fear and horror in people. They are filmed on photos and videos, legends tell about them, they are the ratings of…

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Ten amazing sights of Mexico
Mexico is a very colorful country, which is located in North America. It combines a relaxing beach holiday, unusual mysterious excursions and a vibrant nightlife. If you happen to visit…

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The most interesting and unusual hotels in the world
It seems that in our time it is very difficult to lure a tourist to any country, a modern person will not be surprised at anything. In fact, it is…


white sands

Tours in Spain – Valencia

One of the largest cities in Spain – Valencia, located on the Mediterranean coast in the south-eastern part of Spain. City with a mild climate, here the air temperature ranges from 17 to 20 degrees Celsius. The summer in the city is very warm, the winter is mild.
Valencia is a favorite tourist destination, especially in the summer. A variety of leisure activities, where you can do sports, taste the beauty of the cultural and nightlife of the city, attracts people of different age categories. Continue reading

Where to go or go when visiting St. Petersburg - holy places
If you are planning to go to Petersburg and reflect on places that can be visited, then I suggest you familiarize yourself with the historical places of Orthodoxy at a…

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Choosing a travel agency
Suppose you are going on a trip, but do not know who to turn to for the selection of a suitable tour. In the tourist market of your city is…
