Amazing Vietnam: Immerse yourself in a fairy tale
Coming to Vietnam, looking at the faces of the locals, is very interested in the question - is it true that they are all children of a beautiful fairy and…

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Unforgettable vacation in Tunisia
Unforgettable vacation in Tunisia Changes in the life of a country or on the world stage always raise some concerns and invariably entail something new. So, at the end of…

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UAE - a place for a relaxing holiday
The United Arab Emirates (hereinafter referred to as the United Arab Emirates) are located in Western Asia on the Arabian Peninsula. This state consists of seven small principalities: Abu-Dhabi, Dubai,…


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Game of Thrones – the best hotels for fans

The acclaimed film Game of Thrones, the film adaptation of George Martin’s Song of Ice and Flame, was filmed in many countries — Ireland, Italy, Spain, Croatia, and other states — playing their roles on the screen in the fantastic kingdoms of Westeros. Some of the buildings, scenery and landscape elements that are shown in the film are, of course, computer graphics, but many places do exist in the real world, and you can not only see them with your own eyes, but also visit them personally. Continue reading

Malta: recreation and attractions
Do you want a good and interesting holiday on the Mediterranean Sea? Go to Malta - a beautiful blooming island, where you are always waiting for wonderful weather, beautiful sea,…

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Rest More - Live Longer
In society, you can often meet people for whom work is most important. For them, scientists from America introduced a special term - “absence of leave syndrome”. This is not…
