A walk through Vietnam
For modern tourists, the countries of the East and Asia are very attractive, since they are hardly known. Interesting buildings make fantasy run wild. Vietnam is a vivid example, there…

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What to do in Bangkok
nyone who decides to visit Bangkok during his stay in Thailand can be sure that he will not be disappointed. The first thing that catches the eye, or rather, annoying…

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Holidays in Spain - interesting facts
Holidays in Spain - interesting facts Spain Spain Who among us would not like to spend holidays in Spain? After all, this sunny country is famous for its pleasant climate,…


your body

Madrid for 48 hours - what to see?
We continue a series of articles about interesting tourist attractions in different countries and cities with a story about Madrid. What to see in the Spanish capital, if you only…

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Journey to Suzdal
Not far from Vladimir is the ancient town of Suzdal, famous for its historical sights. The city was formed in the middle of the eleventh century during the time of…
