10 things to do in Cuba
Holidays in Cuba are like traveling by a time machine - most of the country seems to exist in some kind of parallel reality that has remained in the past…

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Israel Travel News
In February 2013, the Israeli authorities significantly simplified and accelerated the entry procedure. The new system is working successfully and concerns not only entering tourists, but also citizens of Israel.…

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Summer holidays in Crimea
Yalta, Feodosia, Evpatoria Crimea as a resort began to develop in the second half of the XIX century. Since then, he has gained fame as a place of rest for…


elephants demonstrate

What to see in Dubai?
Dubai is truly a fantastic city. Created almost in the desert on the site of a small settlement in just a few decades, today it is the most luxurious, modern…

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Game of Thrones - the best hotels for fans
The acclaimed film Game of Thrones, the film adaptation of George Martin's Song of Ice and Flame, was filmed in many countries — Ireland, Italy, Spain, Croatia, and other states…
