Holidays in Vietnam
Holidays in Vietnam
Vietnam is a very diverse country with a developing economy, which it will be interesting to visit both investors and the ordinary tourist, whom Vietnam will amaze with its ancient culture, exoticism and sights.
Vietnam is located on the Indochina Peninsula, in Southeast Asia. Continue reading
The most terrible places in the world
There are many mystical places on earth that cause fear and horror in people. They are filmed on photos and videos, legends tell about them, they are the ratings of the worst of them, and travel companies even sell vouchers to such places. Many of them appeared as a result of natural cataclysms, and some became the fruit of human activity. Continue reading
Israel Travel News
In February 2013, the Israeli authorities significantly simplified and accelerated the entry procedure. The new system is working successfully and concerns not only entering tourists, but also citizens of Israel.
The essence of the innovation is that now, when crossing the border, instead of the entrance stamp in the passport you get a special coupon. Continue reading